is online


Here it is. TobFlow has now it’s own site.

It has taken some time before it went out. I started to work on a TobFlow prototype about 2 years ago. Since the early beginning, it was decided to release it as an open source project once it would be ready. Well, evertyhing is not fully ready and we still have to work on different points such as an installation procedure, some documentation but at I think it was time to let the baby grow. Now the project has some visibility and it’s the beginning of a new adventure.

I hope to have some free time in the coming months to work on points such as the wiki, the installation documentation and to start thinking about Tobflow 2.0 (more ajax, more modular).

I wish I could also work on the design tool with I think is essential for a large adoption of TobFlow.

TobFlow is hosted on Sourceforge and on Launchpad.


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